
Chesfield Downs Golf Club

Men's Captain Charity Day Start Sheet

Saturday 27th July, Tees - Yellow (Men), Red (Ladies), Chesfield Downs Course

The contact for this competition is Les Ward (07854671537)

08:30 Start
Hole 1Paul Chamberlain (12.5), Peter Harris (14.7), Steve Batchelor (15.9) & Ian Lowe (20.6)
Hole 2Antony Routledge (7.2), Martin Barrett (17.3), Andy Ward (18.8) & Stevie Goulden (21.0)
Hole 3Kathy Dale (12.5), Stephen Swanson (16.3), Jacqueline Swanson (19.4) & Linda Goodey (34.0)
Hole 4Christina Bowe (10.1), Linda Brown (15.8), Anne Lawrence (15.8) & Nikki Brooke (20.1)
Hole 5Anthony Light (8.9), Dave Miles (13.2), Gary Sippetts (18.6) & Robert Camilleri (23.2)
Hole 5aMick Bird (12.3), Annette Gillett (16.0), Lynn Stanford (19.9) & Mike Holmes (37.7)
Hole 6Phil Wilkinson (4.6), Peter Latham (8.5), Julian Kitson (13.1) & Alexander Wilkinson (13.8)
Hole 7Murray Sale (8.9), Simon Robinson (9.1), Dave Delgarno (10.0) & Steve Williams (19.4)
Hole 8Kevin Gordon (13.7), Sean Foley (15.9), Kel Overington (18.4) & Graham Brown (20.0)
Hole 8aBrodie Collingwood (1.2), Chris Smith (3.7), Robert Watson (3.9) & Ryan Gore (9.4)
Hole 9Andrew Draper (12.8), Paul Roche (13.1), Steve Rowe (15.6) & Graham Hume (21.0)
Hole 10Dave Watson (9.2), Tony Presland (9.5), Roy Foster (13.8) & Tony Rollinson (26.8)
Hole 10aHazel Brunnen (16.3), Olive Coften (16.4), Jacqueline Harbor (22.0) & Ann Kane (26.1)
Hole 11Matt Laffineur (9.4), Zhiyu Gao (15.1), Julie Price (19.4) & Alayne Blackburn (29.3)
Hole 11aMathew Anderson (4.1), Matthew Palacio (4.2), Sean Feehan (12.3) & Gerard Feehan (18.2)
Hole 12Robin Fredjohn (13.0), Nigel Cooksley (13.1), Gary Hayward (18.1) & Margaret Fredjohn (27.8)
Hole 13Stevie Smith (1.9), Mark Smith (8.6), Rex Timson (10.8) & Paul Taylor (14.7)
Hole 13aSteven Mcmullen (6.3), John Dale (14.0), David Sellings (16.3) & Paul Thomson (20.5)
Hole 14Daren Coates (5.7), Kevin Murtagh (5.7), Adrian Barton (14.9) & Paul Peterson (28.1)
Hole 15Karl Peterson (3.3), Ian Kane (4.6), Martin Himsworth (6.2) & Glyn Tomlinson (10.4)
Hole 16Paul Murtagh (11.1), John Bradbury (16.5), John Ratcliffe (17.5) & Danny Dance (22.2)
Hole 17Jackie Reid (14.3), Richard Reid (18.0), Alan Bonner (18.4) & Megan Bonner (25.6)
Hole 18Craig Crowhurst (10.5), Stephen Hunt (14.9), Raymond Black (16.6) & Stephen Arthur (19.1)

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